
15 Easy Science Experiments To Do With Kids

Science Experiments With Kids

Engaging in science experiments with kids at home is a wonderful way for dads to spend quality time with their children while fostering their curiosity and love for learning. 

Science experiments not only nurture your child’s scientific thinking but also create lasting memories and a sense of discovery.

Here are some unique science experiments that dads can easily do with their kids using simple household materials:

Dancing Raisins Experiment

The dancing raisins experiment is a simple and captivating demonstration of buoyancy and gas formation. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the experiment:

Materials needed:

  • A clear glass or container
  • Carbonated water or soda
  • Raisins


Fill the clear glass or container about three-fourths full with carbonated water or soda. It’s important to use a clear container so that the observation is easier.

Drop a few raisins into the glass of carbonated water or soda.

Observe the raisins as they interact with the liquid. You will notice that the raisins initially sink to the bottom of the glass.

After a short while, the raisins will start to rise to the surface, and then sink back down again. They will continue this “dancing” motion for a while.


The dancing raisins experiment showcases two important scientific principles: buoyancy and gas formation.

Buoyancy: Buoyancy refers to the upward force exerted on an object immersed in a fluid. In this experiment, carbonated water or soda acts as the fluid. The raisins, being denser than the liquid, initially sink to the bottom of the glass.

Gas Formation: Carbonated water or soda contains dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. When the container is sealed, the carbon dioxide remains trapped in the liquid. The carbon dioxide molecules form bubbles within the liquid.

Now, when you drop the raisins into the carbonated water or soda, something interesting happens. The rough surface of the raisins provides nucleation sites for the carbon dioxide bubbles to form. The bubbles start to adhere to the raisins, attaching to their surface.

As the bubbles accumulate on the raisins, they increase the buoyancy of the raisins. Eventually, the combined buoyant force of the bubbles and the raisins becomes greater than the downward force of gravity, causing the raisins to rise to the surface.

When the raisins reach the surface, the carbon dioxide bubbles escape into the air, reducing the buoyant force. As a result, the raisins lose buoyancy and sink back down to the bottom of the glass. The process repeats as more carbon dioxide bubbles form on the raisins.

The cycle of rising and sinking creates the mesmerizing “dancing” effect of the raisins in the glass of carbonated water or soda.

This experiment allows kids to observe and understand how differences in density, caused by the attachment of gas bubbles, can affect the behavior of objects in a fluid. It’s a fun and engaging way to introduce concepts related to buoyancy and gas solubility in a hands-on manner.

Homemade Lava Lamp Experiment

The Homemade Lava Lamp experiment is a captivating way to explore the principles of density and immiscibility. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the experiment:

Materials needed:

  • A clear bottle or glass
  • Vegetable oil
  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Alka-Seltzer tablet (optional)
  • Flashlight (optional, for added effect)


Take a clear bottle or glass and fill it approximately three-fourths full with vegetable oil. The use of a clear container allows for better visibility of the lava lamp effect.

Add water to the container, leaving some space at the top. The water should fill the remaining quarter of the container.

Add a few drops of food coloring to the bottle. The food coloring will add color to the water, creating a more visually appealing effect.

Allow the bottle to sit undisturbed for a few minutes, allowing the oil and water to separate. The oil will float on top of the water.

To create the lava lamp effect, you can either wait for the oil and water to settle naturally or give it a gentle shake to mix them temporarily. Observe how the oil and water separate into distinct layers once you stop shaking.

Optional: For an added effect, you can drop small pieces of an Alka-Seltzer tablet into the bottle. The tablet reacts with water to produce carbon dioxide gas bubbles, creating a bubbling motion that resembles a lava lamp.

Shine a flashlight from underneath the bottle to enhance the visual effect and make the layers more pronounced. The light passing through the liquid will create a beautiful glow.


The Homemade Lava Lamp experiment demonstrates the concept of density and immiscibility, where different substances with varying densities do not mix together.

Density: Density refers to the amount of mass in a given volume of a substance. In this experiment, the oil and water have different densities, which causes them to separate into distinct layers. Oil is less dense than water, so it floats on top of the water.

Immiscibility: Immiscibility refers to the inability of two substances to mix together to form a homogeneous solution. Oil and water are immiscible—they do not dissolve or mix into each other. Instead, they form separate layers due to their different polarities and intermolecular forces.

When the bottle is shaken, the oil and water mix temporarily. However, once you stop shaking, the oil and water quickly separate again due to their differing densities.

The addition of food coloring provides a visual distinction between the layers, making it easier to observe the separation. The food coloring dissolves in the water layer, adding color to it, while the oil remains unaffected.

If you choose to add an Alka-Seltzer tablet, it reacts with the water to produce carbon dioxide gas bubbles. These gas bubbles rise through the oil layer, carrying droplets of colored water with them. When the bubbles reach the top, the gas is released into the air, and the water droplets sink back down due to their higher density. This bubbling effect resembles the movement of a lava lamp, with blobs of colored water rising and falling.

By observing and discussing the phenomena of density and immiscibility in this experiment, kids can gain a better understanding of how substances with different densities interact and separate in a liquid.

Rainbow Paper Science Experiment

The Rainbow Paper experiment, also known as chromatography, is a simple yet fascinating way to explore the separation of pigments and the concept of solubility. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the experiment:

Materials needed

  • Coffee filters or absorbent paper strips
  • Washable markers
  • Water
  • Small cups or containers
  • Pencil or clothespin
  • Tape


Cut a strip of coffee filter or absorbent paper, ensuring it is long enough to hang over the edges of a cup or container.

Take a washable marker and draw a thick line near the bottom of the paper strip. You can use multiple colors to create a vibrant rainbow effect.

Pour a small amount of water into a cup or container, just enough to cover the bottom. Make sure the water level is below the marker line on the paper.

Hang the paper strip into the cup or container, ensuring that the marker line is dipped into the water, while the rest of the strip remains outside. You can use a pencil or clothespin to suspend the paper strip.

Wait and observe as the water begins to travel up the paper strip. As the water moves, it carries the pigments from the marker ink with it.

Keep an eye on the paper strip until the water reaches the top or until the colors have separated to your satisfaction. This process may take a few minutes.

Carefully remove the paper strip from the cup or container and allow it to dry completely.

Optional: Once the paper strip is dry, you can tape it onto a surface or create a loop to hang it, displaying the vibrant rainbow of colors obtained through chromatography.


The Rainbow Paper experiment demonstrates the principle of chromatography, which is the separation of a mixture into its individual components based on their solubility and affinity for the solvent.

Marker Ink Composition: The ink used in washable markers is usually a mixture of different pigments. These pigments have varying solubilities in water, which allows them to separate when exposed to the solvent.

Solvent Action: In this experiment, water acts as the solvent. As the water slowly travels up the paper strip through capillary action, it carries the pigments along with it.

Separation of Pigments: As the water moves, it interacts with the pigments on the paper strip. Some pigments are more soluble in water and are carried farther up the paper strip, while others are less soluble and remain closer to the marker line. This differential solubility causes the pigments to separate and spread out along the paper strip.

Observing the Separation: As the water continues to move, you will notice the colors spreading and separating on the paper strip. Different pigments will exhibit different migration rates based on their solubility, resulting in a beautiful display of colors. This separation allows you to see the individual pigments that make up the original ink mixture.

Through this experiment, kids can gain a basic understanding of how different substances can be separated based on their solubility and affinity for a particular solvent. They can also observe the concept of capillary action, where a liquid moves through a porous material (like the paper strip) against the force of gravity.

The Rainbow Paper experiment is not only educational but also provides an opportunity for children to explore color mixing, observe the unique properties of different pigments, and create visually appealing results.

Homemade Slime

The Homemade Slime experiment is a fun and tactile activity that introduces kids to the concept of polymers and non-Newtonian fluids. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the experiment:

Materials needed

  • White school glue (e.g., PVA glue)
  • Liquid starch (can be found in the laundry aisle)
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon or craft stick for stirring


Start by pouring a desired amount of white school glue into a mixing bowl. The amount can vary depending on how much slime you want to make.

If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to the glue. This step is optional but can add a fun, vibrant color to the slime.

Slowly add liquid starch to the glue while stirring continuously. Begin with a small amount of starch and gradually add more, stirring until the mixture starts to come together.

As you add the liquid starch, you will notice the mixture thickening and becoming less sticky. Continue to mix until the slime forms a cohesive, stretchy consistency.

Once the slime has reached the desired texture, remove it from the bowl and knead it with your hands. This will help distribute the starch evenly and make the slime even more stretchy and less sticky.

Play with the slime, stretch it, twist it, and observe its unique properties. Encourage your child to explore the slime’s texture, elasticity, and how it can stretch and bounce.


The Homemade Slime experiment involves a chemical reaction between the polyvinyl acetate (PVA) in the glue and the borate ions present in the liquid starch. This reaction forms long chains of molecules called polymers, resulting in the formation of a non-Newtonian fluid known as slime.

Polymer Formation: The glue contains PVA, which consists of long chains of repeating units. When the liquid starch is added to the glue, the borate ions in the starch form cross-links with the PVA molecules. These cross-links create a network of interconnected polymer chains, transforming the mixture into a slime-like substance.

Non-Newtonian Fluid: Slime is classified as a non-Newtonian fluid, which means its flow properties can change depending on the amount of stress or force applied. When the slime is at rest, it behaves like a viscous liquid, allowing it to flow slowly. However, when you apply force or manipulate it, the slime exhibits elastic behavior and can stretch and deform.

Texture and Stretchiness: The formation of the polymer network gives the slime its unique properties. The long polymer chains allow the slime to stretch and elongate, similar to the behavior of rubber. The slime is also squishy and malleable, making it enjoyable to play with and manipulate.

Starch as a Cross-Linker: The liquid starch acts as a cross-linker, connecting the PVA molecules together and providing stability to the slime structure. The more starch is added, the stronger the cross-linking becomes, resulting in a firmer and less sticky slime.

While the Homemade Slime experiment is a fun and entertaining activity, it also introduces kids to basic concepts of polymer chemistry and non-Newtonian fluids. It encourages hands-on exploration and stimulates curiosity about materials and their unique properties.

Mentos and Soda Geysers

The Mentos and Soda Geysers experiment is a thrilling demonstration of the reaction between Mentos candies and carbonated beverages. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the experiment:

Materials needed

  • Diet cola or any carbonated beverage (diet soda tends to produce a more impressive reaction due to its lower sugar content)
  • Mentos candies (preferably the mint-flavored ones)
  • A flat, open outdoor area or a large container to contain the mess
  • Safety goggles (optional, but recommended)


Choose an outdoor location with plenty of space or use a large container to contain the mess. It’s important to conduct this experiment in an open area to avoid damage or mess indoors.

Open the carbonated beverage bottle, making sure to handle it carefully to avoid excessive shaking or agitation.

Prepare a few Mentos candies by unwrapping them. You can use anywhere from 4 to 10 Mentos, depending on the size of the eruption you want to achieve. Experiment with different quantities to see how it affects the results.

Hold the candies together in a stack, ensuring they are tightly packed.

Carefully drop the stack of Mentos candies into the bottle of carbonated beverage and step back immediately.

Observe the explosive reaction that occurs as the candies sink to the bottom of the bottle. A foamy geyser of soda will shoot out of the bottle, creating an impressive eruption.


The Mentos and Soda Geysers experiment showcases a physical reaction between the carbonated beverage and the Mentos candies. The reaction occurs due to a combination of nucleation sites, surface tension, and carbon dioxide gas release.

Nucleation Sites: Mentos candies have a rough surface that provides numerous nucleation sites for carbon dioxide (CO2) gas bubbles to form. The microscopic pits and grooves on the candy’s surface allow the gas to rapidly escape from the beverage.

Surface Tension: Carbonated beverages contain dissolved carbon dioxide gas under high pressure. This gas is responsible for the fizzy bubbles that are released when the container is opened. However, the surface tension of the liquid prevents the rapid release of gas when the bottle is simply opened.

Disruption of Surface Tension: When the Mentos candies are dropped into the carbonated beverage, the rough surface of the candies disrupts the liquid’s surface tension. This disruption allows the gas bubbles to form and rapidly escape from the liquid, resulting in a violent eruption.

Carbon Dioxide Gas Release: As the Mentos candies sink to the bottom of the bottle, they create an immense number of nucleation sites. The carbon dioxide gas molecules rapidly collect and form bubbles on the candy’s surface. These bubbles quickly rise to the top, pushing the liquid above them and causing a foamy eruption.

The eruption can reach impressive heights, sometimes shooting several feet into the air, due to the rapid gas release and the physical properties of the liquid.

It’s important to note that the reaction is more pronounced with diet cola or other carbonated beverages that contain artificial sweeteners, as they tend to have a lower surface tension and higher concentration of carbon dioxide gas.

Safety precautions should be taken during this experiment. It is advisable to conduct it in an open outdoor area, away from people and delicate objects. Additionally, wearing safety goggles can protect your eyes from any unexpected splashes.

The Mentos and Soda Geysers experiment is a thrilling way to observe the release of gas from a carbonated beverage and provides an opportunity for kids to witness and explore the principles of nucleation and surface tension in action.

Egg in a Bottle Experiment

The Egg in a Bottle experiment, also known as the Egg in a Glass experiment, is a classic demonstration of the principles of air pressure. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the experiment:

Materials needed

  • A glass bottle with a narrow neck (such as a glass milk bottle or a glass vinegar bottle)
  • A hard-boiled egg (peeled)
  • A piece of paper (large enough to cover the mouth of the bottle)
  • Matches or a lighter (adult supervision required)
  • Optional: Vegetable oil or water


Start by hard-boiling an egg and allowing it to cool. Make sure the egg is peeled.

Place the peeled egg aside and take the glass bottle. Ensure the bottle has a narrow neck that is small enough for the egg to block.

If desired, you can moisten the mouth of the bottle with a bit of water or coat it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. This step helps create a better seal between the egg and the bottle, although it is not necessary for the experiment to work.

Light a match or a lighter and carefully hold it near the opening of the bottle to create heat inside. Be cautious while handling fire, and adult supervision is recommended for this step.

Once the flame is burning steadily, quickly drop the peeled egg onto the mouth of the bottle. Ensure that the egg completely covers the opening, forming a seal.

Observe the reaction that occurs inside the bottle. As the air inside the bottle cools down, the pressure decreases, creating a difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the bottle.

Watch as the egg is pulled into the bottle by the increased air pressure outside. The egg should be drawn into the bottle, often with an audible “pop” sound.


The Egg in a Bottle experiment demonstrates the principles of air pressure and the effects of heating and cooling on the pressure of gasses.

Heating the Air: By heating the air inside the bottle, you increase the kinetic energy of the air molecules. This causes the molecules to move faster and spread out, resulting in an increase in pressure inside the bottle.

Dropping the Egg: When you drop the egg onto the mouth of the bottle, it forms a seal, preventing air from entering or leaving the bottle. As the air inside the bottle cools down, the air molecules lose kinetic energy and slow down, causing the pressure to decrease inside the bottle.

Difference in Pressure: The decrease in pressure inside the bottle creates a difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the bottle. The pressure outside the bottle remains relatively constant, while the pressure inside the bottle decreases.

Air Pressure Effect: The higher air pressure outside the bottle pushes against the egg, forcing it to move into the bottle to equalize the pressure. As a result, the egg is pulled into the bottle, often with an audible “pop” sound when the seal breaks.

It’s important to note that the Egg in a Bottle experiment works due to the combination of heating the air and quickly sealing the bottle with the egg. The cooling process reduces the air pressure inside the bottle, allowing the higher pressure outside to push the egg into the bottle.

This experiment is a fascinating way to demonstrate the effects of air pressure and the behavior of gasses. It provides an opportunity for kids to observe and explore the concepts of pressure differentials and the relationship between temperature and pressure.

Magnetic Levitation Sculpture

Materials needed

  • Neodymium magnets (disc-shaped or cube-shaped)
  • Small metal objects (such as paper clips, nails, screws, or small washers)
  • Non-magnetic base (such as a wooden block or acrylic platform)


Start by selecting a non-magnetic base for your sculpture, such as a wooden block or an acrylic platform. Make sure the base is stable and level.

Take a neodymium magnet and place it on the base, with the magnetic side facing up. This will serve as the foundation for your magnetic levitation sculpture.

Choose a small metal object, such as a paperclip or screw, and position it vertically on top of the magnet. Ensure that the metal object is attracted to the magnet and stands upright.

Carefully bring another neodymium magnet close to the metal object without touching it. Observe how the metal object responds to the magnetic field of the second magnet.

Adjust the position and distance of the second magnet until the metal object hovers in mid-air, levitating above the first magnet. You may need to experiment with the placement and orientation of the magnets to achieve the desired levitation effect.

Once you have achieved levitation, you can add more metal objects of different shapes and sizes to create a unique magnetic sculpture. Arrange the objects in various configurations to create visually appealing and balanced designs.

Experiment with different arrangements, distances, and orientations of the magnets to explore how they affect the stability and levitation of the metal objects.


The Magnetic Levitation Sculpture experiment demonstrates the principles of magnetic attraction and repulsion, as well as the concept of magnetic levitation.

Magnetic Attraction: Neodymium magnets are extremely strong magnets that have a powerful magnetic field. When a metal object, such as a paperclip or screw, comes into contact with the magnet, it is attracted to it due to the magnetic force.

Magnetic Repulsion: When you bring another neodymium magnet close to the metal object without touching it, the magnets generate a magnetic field. Similar poles (e.g., north to north or south to south) repel each other, creating an upward force that counteracts the downward force of gravity on the metal object. This repulsion allows the metal object to hover in mid-air.

Levitation and Stability: By carefully adjusting the position, distance, and orientation of the magnets, you can achieve a state of magnetic levitation where the metal object appears to float above the first magnet. The levitation occurs due to the balance between magnetic attraction and repulsion forces. Achieving stability in the levitation requires finding the right equilibrium between these forces.

This experiment allows you to create unique and visually captivating magnetic sculptures by arranging different metal objects in various configurations. It provides an engaging way to explore the properties of magnets, the effects of magnetic fields on objects, and the delicate balance required to achieve magnetic levitation.

Magnetic Field Viewer

Materials needed

  • A shallow dish or container (e.g., a glass or plastic container)
  • Iron filings or iron powder (available at hardware or craft stores)
  • A strong magnet (e.g., a neodymium magnet)
  • Optional: Plastic wrap or thin transparent sheet


Take a shallow dish or container and ensure it is clean and dry. This container will serve as your magnetic field viewer.

If desired, you can cover the bottom of the container with plastic wrap or a thin transparent sheet. This step is optional but can make cleanup easier.

Sprinkle a layer of iron filings or iron powder onto the bottom of the container, ensuring the layer is evenly spread.

Place the strong magnet underneath the container, directly below the iron filings.

Gently tap the sides of the container or shake it slightly to distribute the iron filings evenly and align them with the magnetic field.

Observe the formation of patterns and lines in the iron filings. These patterns represent the magnetic field lines produced by the magnet.

Experiment with different magnet positions and orientations to observe how the magnetic field lines change and interact with each other.


The Magnetic Field Viewer experiment allows you to visualize and observe the magnetic field lines created by a magnet using iron filings or iron powder.

Iron Filings and Magnetic Field Lines: Iron filings are tiny pieces of iron that are attracted to magnets. When placed in a magnetic field, such as the one generated by a magnet, the iron filings align themselves along the field lines, providing a visible representation of the magnetic field.

Magnetic Field: A magnetic field is an invisible area around a magnet where its magnetic influence can be felt. The field lines represent the direction and strength of the magnetic field. They typically extend from the magnet’s north pole to its south pole, forming closed loops.

Alignment of Iron Filings: When you sprinkle iron filings onto the container, the magnetic field generated by the magnet causes the filings to align themselves parallel to the field lines. This alignment helps visualize the shape and direction of the magnetic field.

Patterns and Lines: As the iron filings align with the magnetic field lines, they form distinct patterns and lines. These patterns can vary depending on the magnet’s shape, orientation, and strength. You may observe concentric circles around a bar magnet, or lines that extend from the poles of a horseshoe magnet, for example.

By experimenting with different magnet positions and orientations, you can observe how the magnetic field lines change and interact. This allows for a deeper understanding of the properties and behavior of magnetic fields.

Note: It’s important to handle strong magnets with caution, as they can attract or repel objects forcefully. Keep the magnet away from electronic devices, pacemakers, and other sensitive equipment.

7 more DIY Experiments to do with Kids:

Rainbow Density Column:

  • Gather various liquids with different densities, such as honey, water, vegetable oil, and rubbing alcohol.
  • Take a clear glass or container and begin pouring the liquids, one at a time, into the container.
  • Pour the liquids slowly and carefully, creating distinct layers.
  • Observe how the liquids stack up in layers due to their varying densities, creating a colorful rainbow column.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano:

  • Build a volcano shape using clay, playdough, or paper mache. Create a mountain-like structure with a hollow center.
  • Place the volcano structure on a tray or in a safe area that can get messy.
  • In a separate container, mix baking soda with a small amount of dish soap.
  • Pour the baking soda mixture into the hollow center of the volcano.
  • In another container, pour vinegar (white vinegar or apple cider vinegar) and add a few drops of food coloring for a more visually appealing eruption.
  • Pour the vinegar into the volcano, and watch as the baking soda and vinegar react, creating a foamy eruption.

Invisible Ink:

  • Prepare your invisible ink by squeezing lemon juice into a small bowl or cup. Alternatively, you can use milk or a baking soda solution.
  • Use a small paintbrush, cotton swab, or toothpick to write or draw a message on a piece of white paper using the invisible ink.
  • Allow the ink to dry completely, making the message invisible to the naked eye.
  • To reveal the message, gently heat the paper using a hairdryer or place it near a light bulb. Alternatively, dip a cotton swab into a chemical reactant like iodine and carefully dab it onto the paper to make the message appear.

Balloon Rocket:

  • Tie a long string between two stationary points, such as chairs or doorknobs.
  • Inflate a balloon and pinch the opening to prevent air from escaping.
  • Tape the mouth of the balloon to a plastic straw.
  • Thread the string through the straw, making sure the balloon is closest to one end of the string.
  • Release the balloon and observe how the escaping air propels the balloon along the string.

Static Electricity Butterfly:

  • Bend a pipe cleaner in half to form a V shape, representing the butterfly’s body and wings.
  • Attach two shorter pipe cleaners as antennae to the top of the V shape.
  • Rub a balloon against your hair or a woolen fabric to create static electricity.
  • Bring the charged balloon close to the pipe cleaner butterfly, and watch as the static electricity causes the butterfly’s wings to move or stick to the balloon.

Water Refraction:

  • Fill a transparent glass or container with water.
  • Gather various objects, such as pencils, straws, or spoons.
  • Carefully place the objects into the water, slightly tilting them to observe how they appear bent or distorted due to refraction.
  • Experiment with different angles and depths to observe varying levels of refraction.

Exploding Baggie:

  • Take a sandwich baggie (Ziplock bag) and pour about a quarter cup of warm water into it. Then add about a half a cup of vinegar to the water in the bag.
  • Next, put 3 teaspoons of baking soda into the middle of a tissue and wrap the the baking soda up in the tissue by folding the tissue around it.
  • Zip the baggie mostly closed while leaving room to add the tissue-wrapped baking soda. Drop the tissue with the baking soda into the baggie and quickly zip it closed.
  • Step back immediately, and observe as the chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda produces carbon dioxide gas, inflating the bag until it pops with a loud bang.